National Sewing Month

It seems that every possible hobby or interest in America has a month, and sewing is no exception. So far the primary observers seem to be the major chain stores, who are having percentage-off sales. Perhaps by getting people into the stores they are sparking creativity and sewing enthusiasm. Here’s another take on National Sewing Month that I found on a creativity blog written by Laura Dickey. She thinks people should consider the following:

1-learn how to sew
2-teach your kids/grandkids how to sew
3-fix the things (socks, buttons, rips, tears) you’ve been meaning to sew for a while
4-fix things for someone else
5-learn how to use a sewing machine
6-join (or start) a sewing club online or in your area
7-start a sewing project
8-learn about the history of sewing
9-visit a local fabric store to pick up some fabric and some ideas (both Michaels and JoAnn Fabric have free project ideas in-store and online)
10-offer to teach an introductory sewing class or workshop at the local middle or high school for students
11-follow/friend creative sewing artists on Twitter and Facebook

See Laura’s other ideas at

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